YES – Body Lotion (Garlic)

Body lotion benefits your legs, knees, arms, butt, and torso in much the same way that a daily moisturizer benefits the skin on your face. According to dermatologist Heidi Waldorf, an associate professor at the Icahn School of Medicine, “It keeps skin smooth and supple, and maintains a healthy skin barrier.”

Importance of Body Lotion

Body lotion locks in moisture: Bathing in hot water and shaving body hair can leave skin dry and deplete its natural oils. Applying a natural body lotion rich in hydrating actives can help to replenish moisture levels so that skin stays soft and balanced.

Body lotion supports the skin barrier: The skin barrier is the skin’s front line of defense against microbial invasion but can be weakened and irritated by aggressive bath cleansers such as SLS. Firming, nourishing body lotion ingredients feed strength back into the skin barrier and help keep your skin’s microbiome balanced and healthy.

Body lotion comforts sore skin: Sensitive skin can be easily irritated by bathing in hot water or shaving but soothing body lotion actives bring comfort and calm to irritated skin. Body lotion lifts the mood: Body lotions made with soothing, natural essential oils can lift the mood and make you feel happy and relaxed. Body lotion keeps skin supple: Natural actives can help slow the rate at which skin sags and help skin to look and feel younger

It keeps skin smooth and supple, and maintains a healthy skin barrier.
Heidi WaldorF